How To Root Cuttings

1. Twenty minutes before taking cuttings, mist the host plant with Instant Jungle aerosol plant spray.
2. Add supplied Super Boost into 2 L of water, use to soak peat pellets or rock wool. Retain Super Boost solution. Place the saturated growth medium into the rooting tray. Examine diameter of stem of cutting to be taken and poke a hole in the growth medium slightly larger than the stem. The hole’s depth should be ¼ inch above the bottom of the medium.
3. Cleanliness is important. Use a small, sharp pair of pruning scissors to take plant cutting, being careful not to squeeze it. Make the cutting at a 45° angle, just below an internode. Trim the internode. The occasional larger lower fan leaf can also be trimmed off. Dip the cutting’s stem ¼ inch deep into the Root Burst Powder. Shake off excess powder, leaving the tip of the stem lightly dusted.
4. Carefully place the cutting into the growth medium without using force.
5. To stabilize the cutting, use pinches of the growth medium to carefully fill in any gaps around the stem. Again, be careful not to squeeze the cutting.
6. Periodically spray the host plant and the fresh cuttings with Instant Jungle to keep them moist.
7. Fill the syringe with the retained Super Boost solution. Gently inject it into the top of the growth medium to fully rehydrate it. Remove any standing solution. To do so, tilt the tray slightly and use a turkey baster to remove the excess fluid.
8. Give the cuttings another spray of Instant Jungle and spray the inside of the dome. Securely place the dome onto the tray. Ensure that it is tightly seated, the edges are sealed, and that the vents are fully closed.
9. Place domed tray in a warm, dark place for 24 – 36 hours. Then, move tray into dim or indirect light for 18 – 24 hours/day. If necessary, place a white shade cloth over the dome. If cuttings show signs of wilting, the light may be too intense or the dome may not be seated. Spray cuttings and inside of dome daily as needed until cuttings are rooted.
10. When the majority of the cuttings show roots, begin to open the dome vents in approximately ¼ inch increments each day. Simultaneously condition the cuttings to full light by moving them a bit closer to the light each day until the cuttings are conditioned and fully rooted. Once cuttings are rooted, remove humidity dome and transplant them.